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Mid-Term Assessment Report

This interim evaluation was carried out and concluded by the person responsible for
Regulatory Compliance of AMG Services, SA, which, within the scope of the
Prevention of Corruption and Related Offences, aimed to identify situations
high risk and the respective preventive measures, as well as deviations in
implementation of certain measures included in the aforementioned Plan.
This interim assessment complies with the provisions established by
Article 6 of the General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption, approved by Decree-
Law No. 109-E/2021, of December 9th.

1. Framing
Following the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 37/2021, of April 6,
and Decree-Law No. 109-E/2021, of December 9, AMG Services, SA
prepared the Corruption and Related Offenses Prevention Plan (“PPR”), the
which identifies the risks associated with the activity carried out and the measures to be adopted
to mitigate the occurrence and impact of such risks.
Once adopted, the PPR is subject to periodic assessments of its implementation and
effectiveness. Under the terms of article 6.4 of the RGPC, such assessment is carried out
through (a) the preparation, in October, of an interim evaluation report
of identified situations of high or maximum risk, and (b) the preparation, in
month of April, of annual evaluation report.

Thus, AMG Services, SA, presents its Interim Evaluation Report
relating to high-risk situations, responding to the provisions of paragraph
a) from the article transcribed above.

2. Methodology
The period subject to this assessment is between June 19, 2022, date
of entry into force of the Plan, on October 27, 2023, the date of preparation of the
this interim evaluation report.

This interim evaluation, coordinated by the person responsible for
Regulatory Compliance, took place interactively with the different
departments of AMG Services, SA, having assessed the state of
implementation of preventive measures associated with high risks.

3. Interim Assessment
3.1. High Risk Situations
At the time of preparation of this report, in the Corruption Prevention Plan
and Related Offenses, the following situations are identified as
being of high risk:

Captura de ecrã 2024-12-05, às 11.43.11.png

3.2. Analysis
Of the situations and corresponding measures referred to above, none have yet been
effectively implemented, although its respective implementation is already planned.
implementation, and it is expected that they will all be in implementation or, even,
recently implemented at the end of 2023.

It will be up to you, in the month of April, as provided for in paragraph b) of article 6, paragraph 4, of the
RGPC, prepare the Annual Assessment Report, which will contain the quantification of the
degree of implementation of the preventive and corrective measures identified here,
among others.

4. Publication
This interim evaluation report is available on the AMG website
Services, SA, within 10 days from the date of its preparation.

Lisbon, April 27, 2022

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