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Management Policy

Aware of the importance of the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization for the prestige, competitiveness, and sustainable development of AMG, in the provision of industrial, domestic, and urban cleaning and hygiene services, and of the impact that its activity has on society and the environment, the Management emphasizes that this is a challenge involving all Employees, Suppliers, and Clients, and it is essential that:

  • Clients are welcomed and supported with proximity and a human face, actively listening to them, providing services that meet their needs and the applicable legislation.

  • There is a constant concern to identify and meet the requirements and expectations of our Clients and interested parties.

  • Employees are enthusiastically supported to ensure their full integration and competence, promoting appreciation and development.

  • Safe working conditions are provided to Employees, as well as continuous training, with a view to promoting the continuous improvement of their performance, contributing to the reduction of failures and increased productivity.

  • Employees are consulted and participate in the development, planning, implementation, performance evaluation, and improvement actions of the occupational health and safety management system and the environmental management system.

  • Employees and other interested parties are made aware of the importance of controlling significant environmental aspects and preventing pollution, in order to comply with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements for products, services, and activities.

  • The organization contributes actively and continuously to sustainable development and the preservation of the environment, prioritizing the application of non-polluting techniques, environmental monitoring, and resource rationalization.

  • The organization, Employees, and interested parties invest in and support the development and innovation, contributing to a more competitive organization.

  • Suppliers are considered in creating and developing partnership and cooperation relationships that allow the achievement of mutually defined goals.

  • The organization commits, both actively and materially, to comply with the Integrated Management System (IMS) implemented, with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 45001:2019 standards, and promotes the continuous improvement of the IMS itself.

  • Ethical behavior is promoted among Employees, with respect for human rights and the fundamental rights of workers.

  • Trustworthy services are provided, ensuring the safety of interested parties and society at large.

  • Practices aimed at preventing corruption are implemented.

  • Management and top leadership lead and commit to fully comply with the general principles of this Management Policy under all circumstances.

Porto, July 4, 2022

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